Sayyed Nasrallah: Our Response Will Come, Regardless of Consequences

The Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, explains the ongoing regional situation centering on the cause of Palestine amid rising tensions and Israeli provocations.

The Hezbollah Secretary-General, Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, underscored, in a speech during the tribute ceremony for martyred commander Fouad Shokor (Sayyed Mohsen), at the start of the speech that the Israeli occupation, might resort to breaking the sound barrier over the suburbs in a provocative attempt due to their being “small-minded.”

He noted that in the event this happens, noting the Israeli Air Force has broken the sound barrier a couple of times ahead of the speech, the response will be with the typical slogans emphasizing that the Resistance remains resilient and unafraid.

Sayyed Nasrallah described the martyred leader as being from the founding generation of the Islamic Resistance and also one of its earliest commanders emphasizing that martyr Shokor participated in all the key battles of the Resistance.

The Secretary-General further highlighted that Sayyed Mohsen was one of the architects of the victory in 2000, and in 2006, the main operations room was under his command during the July War.

According to Sayyed Nasrallah, Sayyed Mohsen was present day and night in the operations room from the first day of Operation Al Aqsa Flood.

Moreover, the Secretary-General further emphasized that the martyr was one of the strategic minds of the Resistance noting that he had a wealth of ideas and proposals. Sayyed Mohsen was responsible for preparing drafts on war planning, new strategies, and other related matters, showcasing his innovation and expertise in these areas said the Hezbollah chief.

Significantly, Sayyed Mohsen was also described as the “maker of Men” explaining that the martyr was influential in his surroundings and many of the Hezbollah martyrs throughout the years were his students.

Sayyed Nasrallah then declared that the loss of Sayyed Mohsen to the Resistance and its environment was profoundly significant, but it did not shake their resolve or cause hesitation.

On the practical level, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that the units led by Sayyed Mohsen prior to his martyrdom, even after his ascending, continue to advance and develop their operations, as evidenced by recent operations.

On regional scene

Regarding the situation on the regional level, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that the ongoing battle centers on Palestine, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, with these areas forming the core battlefield, assisted by all support fronts.

The Secretary-General then noted that recent developments have unveiled the objectives of Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s extremist government, which rejects any calls for a ceasefire or halt to the war, insisting on returning to further confrontations following a periodical ceasefire as shown in every negotiation.

According to Sayyed Nasrallah, Netanyahu’s goal is to subdue Gaza and enforce absolute security control, rejecting the idea of a Palestinian State even within Gaza. He further pointed out that the West Bank is now being subjected to airstrikes and drone strikes, with plans to expand settlements, displace Palestinians towards Jordan, and officially annex the remaining occupied territory.

Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized, time and time again, that the Israeli occupation is communicating to the international community that there is no intention of establishing a Palestinian State.

The Hezbollah leader further remarked that there has been no political progress since the Oslo Accords were signed 31 years ago. He criticized the American rhetoric about a Palestinian state, labeling it as “hypocrisy and falsehood”.

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that US support for “Israel” now reflects its diminished strength and prestige compared to the past. He also highlighted that the Israeli occupation relies heavily on the United States and Western countries for protection, as it is incapable of safeguarding itself independently opposite to what things used to be historically where “Israel” would fight all Arab armies single-handedly.

‘Israel’ threatens to end the cause of Palestine

Sayyed Nasrallah warned that a victory for Netanyahu’s government in Gaza and the West Bank would endanger Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian cause. He accused Netanyahu and his allies of aiming to establish Jordan as an alternative homeland for Palestinians.

The Hezbollah Secretary-General stated that the assassinations of the martyrs Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas chief, and Sayyed Mohsen should not overshadow the situation to falsely portray “Israel” as victorious.

Sayyed Nasrallah strictly and firmly underscored that the Israeli occupation’s threat should not be met with fear or submission, asserting that the goal of the current battle is to prevent Israeli victory and safeguard the Palestinian cause.

He emphasized that “Israel” remains in a difficult position, cornered, even after the assassinations of these leaders. Hezbollah’s chief also asserted that the current battle has a broader perspective and ongoing significance.

Sayyed Nasrallah urged the Resistance in Gaza and the West Bank to continue to be resilient and steadfast. He also called on the support fronts to maintain their operations as they have over the past months.

‘Do not stab us in the back’

Addressing the Lebanese people, Nasrallah emphasized the importance of recognizing the current dangers and reassured them not to fear the Resistance’s victory but to rather fear if “Israel” appears to have a possibility of victory.

Additionally, he asked those in Lebanon who do not support the Resistance to refrain from undermining its efforts.

“Whoever doesn’t support us in Lebanon, we ask them not to stab us in the back,” Sayyed Nasrallah stressed.

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah stated that the response will be measured and deliberate, with “the current Israeli anticipation and waiting” being part of the response itself. He noted that “Israel” is today standing on “one and a half feet,” indicating a precarious situation.

Nasrallah emphasized that “Israel’s state of anticipation today is part of the battle.”

He then stressed that Israeli occupation factories in the north could be destroyed within an hour, even “within half an hour”.

Hezbollah’s Secretary-General also mentioned, in response to the ideas of Sayyed Mohsen who used to put forward ideas to terrorize “Israel” by creating a sound barrier despite having no fighter jets, that the most significant “sound barrier” the Resistance can create is that once drones are sent, sirens sound across Israeli occupation settlements.

Retaliation for assassinations is inevitable

Sayyed Nasrallah significantly reaffirmed that it was the Israeli occupation who have chosen to escalate tensions with both Lebanon and Iran when they conducted their terrorist operations in Beirut and Tehran targeting not only Resistance leaders but also civilians.

“Our response is coming, God willing,” asserted Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah.

Sayyed Nasrallah remarked that “the enemy does not dare tell our people in Majdal Shams that what happened was due to an interception missile, as their goal was to incite strife.”

He assured that a response is forthcoming, God willing, and it will be “strong and effective.”

Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that the response might come from us alone or as part of a collective response from the Axis of Resistance.

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