Algeria rejects any attempt to interfere with its internal affairs

Algeria rejects any attempt to interfere with its internal affairs, said Communication Minister and government spokesman Hassen Rabehi in a statement circulated today to the media.
The official Algerian reaction follows an announced European Parliament meeting dedicated to discussing the situation in this Muslim country in North Africa.
While underlining the strategic nature of ties with the European Union (EU) for his country, the headline recalled that this block ‘and all our foreign partners are well aware’ that Algeria abides by the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and does not accept any interference in yours.
In that sense, he added that neither the EU nor Algeria will allow their links, which include all sectors, to be undermined ‘by parliamentarians who do not appreciate the importance of these relatios.
Qaid Saleh stressed that the army knows how to assess the level of challenges and how to extrapolate events and anticipate its intentions, and will prepare its appropriate kit, stressing that the army will be on the lookout at all times and when those who ask him to protect our country.
Algeria rejects