Bolivia Coup Plotters Withdraw, Coup Leader Arrested

The coup plotters have withdrawn from the vicinity of the government palace in La Paz after widespread protests and the appointment of new military chiefs.

Supporters of Bolivian President Luis Arce gathered at Murillo Square in La Paz on Wednesday, celebrating the withdrawal of military forces involved in an attempted coup.

The show of support came as President Arce, accompanied by Vice President David Choquehuanca, greeted the crowd from the balcony of the presidential palace, which had been targeted by the military earlier in the day.

Bolivia TV reported that dozens of people assembled at the square, chanting pro-Arce slogans. “Long live democracy! We want to celebrate the bravery of the Bolivian people who have gathered at the square,” President Arce declared.

Videos shared on social media showed heavily armed soldiers and armored vehicles gathering in La Paz’s Plaza Murillo, the central hub of Bolivia’s capital, where key government buildings are situated.

President Arce denounced the events as a coup attempt and emphasized the need to uphold democratic principles. In response to the crisis, Arce appointed new heads of the military, air force, and navy, following the attempted takeover led by former Commander-in-Chief Juan Jose Zuniga.

Zuniga prosecuted 

The Bolivian Prosecutor’s Office announced the initiation of criminal investigations against Zuniga and other individuals involved in the coup attempt.

“The prosecutor general has instructed that a criminal investigation against General Juan Jose Zuniga and other participants in the action be launched,” the office stated.

Moreover, according to our reporters, General Zuniga was arrested shortly after.

Leaders from across the world, including Latin America and Europe, have condemned a coup attempt in Bolivia, rallying in support of Bolivian President Luis Arce, triggering a wave of international solidarity in support of the country’s legitimate government.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was among the first to voice support for Arce, urging Bolivians to defend their democracy. “We call on the Bolivian people to defend their democracy, their constitution, and their President Luis Arce,” Maduro stated on Wednesday. “It’s important to defend peace and stability. Bolivia has the support of all of Latin America. The coup must end.”

Leaders from Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Honduras, Iran, and Spain also issued public statements condemning the coup attempt and expressing their support for President Arce.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel echoed Maduro’s sentiments, describing the scenes emerging from Bolivia as “outrageous”. His remarks underscored the broader regional alarm over the developments in Bolivia.

Even former Bolivian President Jeanine Anez, who was mentioned in the military’s demands for the release of political prisoners, condemned the coup attempt.

“I condemn the mobilization of the military at Murillo Square, who intend to destroy the constitutional order. [Political movement] MAS [headed by Bolivian President Luis] Arce and [ex-President Evo] Morales should leave [power] through a vote in 2025. We Bolivians will defend democracy,” Anez said on X on Wednesday.

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