Brotherhood involved in Killing the witness to the crimes of “Al-Nahda”

The Tunisian National Guard announced the death of one of its affiliates by hanging at his home, a few hours before giving his testimony in the case of Brotherhood leader and former Minister of Justice Noureddine al-Buhairi.
A security source stated that Captain Mohsen bin Muhammad al-Adaili was expected to testify yesterday (Monday) in the case of attributing taxi licenses to a number of terrorists, but he was found hanged inside his house in Bir Bourqaba area of the Nabeul governorate, eastern Tunisia.
He said that Al-Adaili had listened to him a few days ago as a witness in cases related to renaissance leaders involved in the parallel security apparatus, deportation, terrorism, smuggling and private money laundering.
Meanwhile, lawyer Wafaa Al-Shazly, who was going to accompany Captain Al-Adili to court, said, “I can’t believe it. Captain Al-Adili, who has dangerous files about assigning taxi licenses to terrorists, according to what was mentioned by the person involved in it, Noureddine Al-Buhairi and the former governor, Abdul Latif Al-Misawi, and he himself told me about this and asked me to come with him as a lawyer among several lawyers to dig the ground under the feet of a group who owns their files.
While the journalist and researcher in terrorism affairs, Yasel Turjuman, confirmed that with the death of Al-Adaili, the truth will not die, the circle narrowed them, waiting for their announcement of the mobilization and a return to the approach of violence and criminality, their first school.
And she added, in a message on her Facebook page: “I am under the influence of shock because this is my homeland and the testimony of God was calling me and crying from the intensity of his oppression over the terrorist gangs in our country, and for years he had been telling me that Noureddine Al-Buhairi, the contractor of Ennahda, was a terrorist leader who destroyed the Ben Arous Governorate and Tunisia! ».
In a post on his Facebook account, he said: The secret service of the Blue Temple (in reference to the Brotherhood) is assassinating Al-Adaili.
Al-Buhairi, the strong arm of the Brotherhood’s leader, Rashid Ghannouchi, has been under house arrest for two weeks, along with the official in charge of the secret apparatus of the Ennahda movement, Fathi Al-Baladi, on charges of involvement in terrorism-related cases and deporting Tunisians to hotbeds of tension.