Brotherhood organization reveals new facts: “Istanbul front works for the British intelligence”

Conflicts raging among Brotherhood organization between the Istanbul front headed by Mahmoud Hussein, who resides in Turkey, and the London front headed by Ibrahim Munir, who resides in Britain, revealed that both of them worked for different external security apparatus, that the members of the organization were a group of agents against their homelands.
It accused Mahmoud Hussein Front, the front opposed to it, led by the Secretary-General of the international organization, Ibrahim Munir, of “working for the British intelligence,” because of the permanent cooperation between Munir and the British intelligence.”
On the other hand, Ibrahim Munir Mahmoud Hussein was accused of working for many security intelligences that harm the interests of the organization, he said, which confirms the organization’s penetration from inside, and may confirm the organization’s employment for the benefit of parties that move it against the interests of the homelands.
Disagreements revealed the facts
Islamic movements experts and dissidents believe that the differences revealed the facts that existed since the beginning of the organization in the last century at the hands of Hassan al-Banna.
The Egyptian expert in the affairs of Islamic groups and international terrorism, Munir Adib, confirmed that the Brotherhood’s differences and their struggle on Ibrahim Munir front and Mahmoud Hussein approved that they worked for foreign intelligence against their homelands.
Munir added, “The organization members works against their homeland, according to statements raveld by the organization’s leaders themselves.”
He added: “The Brotherhood were divided over everything, but they agreed on one thing, which is to work against their homelands, of course worked for parties harms the security of these countries.”
collapse from within
The Egyptian expert in the affairs of Islamic groups and international terrorism indicated that part of the organization’s popularity, since its founding in 1928, is that it succeeded in promoting itself as a “value” organization, which is not true, pointing out that when the members discovered the truth, they abandoned the organization completely and it began the stage of self-destruction.
He added, “the danger of political Islam organizations, led by the terrorist Brotherhood organization, is its contact abroad and working for foreign parties, pointing out that this appeared since the first leader of the organization, Hassan al-Banna.
British intelligence staff
The Brotherhood dissident and researcher in Islamic movements, Islam Katatni agreed with Adeeb, who affirmed the Brotherhood organization cooperation with the British, American intelligence and other countries who worked against Arab interests.
Al-Katatni added, “The British intelligence used Al-Banna from long time and gave him 500 pounds, a sum of money that constituted wealth at that time to establish the organization and strike the Wafd Party in Egypt.”
He added: “And on the path of Al-Banna, Ibrahim Munir, who is struggling for the position of guide, goes with Mahmoud Hussein, accusing him of being count on Britain and supporting him from the London intelligence.
He continued: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton statment that America supports the organization.
He added, “The Brotherhood’s employment of Western, international intelligence and agencies against Arab interests has become a given and known by the facts, the latest of which was the revelation of the many funds that were paid to Mahmoud Hussein’s front as well.”
He wondered, isn’t it ime for the youth who joined under the pressure of the organization and sympathized with it to wake up, what more does they need to see their truth! they are working against the interest of the country?
He stressed that if young people insist on following the Brotherhood’s organization, despite their scandals and revealing their papers, it makes them slaves to the group and violates the true religion.