Conflicts is Heating up Between Brotherhood Leaders

The Brotherhood’s crisis in Turkey escalated rapidly and continuously, which portends major schisms within the group.
The group’s Shura Council referred a number of Brotherhood leaders to investigation after receiving information that they had signatures appointing Mahmoud Hussein as the group’s secretary-general and defining the powers of the supreme administrative body, which temporarily replaces the Guidance Office.
Mahmoud Hussein
Information obtained by our reporters revealed that the group’s Shura Council, which is subject to Ibrahim Munir, the acting guide and residing in the British capital, London, refused to recognize the signatures of the group’s leaders at home and abroad, which demanded the appointment of Mahmoud Hussein as the group’s secretary-general, and ignored the decisions of the charge d’affaires to refer him and his assistants for investigation.
The current disputes and conflicts between Ibrahim Mounir, the acting guide of the Brotherhood, and Mahmoud Hussein, the former general secretary of the Brotherhood, who was dismissed by a decision by Mounir, have deeply struck the group’s rules and the international organization, and have confirmed the group’s tendency to split into two groups.
The group’s Shura Council referred Ibrahim Fouda, Muhammad Al-Qasabi and Abdullah Hamed to investigation on charges of publishing information that it considered “misleading and aimed at inciting the Brotherhood” against Munir and the leaders of the international organization. It was also decided once again to refer Mahmoud Hussein, Hammam Youssef, Mamdouh Mabrouk, Medhat Al-Haddad, Muhammad Abdel-Wahhab and Rajab Al-Banna for investigation due to “financial and administrative violations”, accusing the leaders of the international organization of “settling personal accounts” and assigning the group’s electronic committees to discredit Ibrahim Mounir and the leaders of the international organization and demand their departure from the group.
Conflicts increased after Mahmoud Hussein, the group’s Secretary-General, refused to recognize Munir’s recent decisions, in which he decided to dissolve the group’s administrative office and the Shura Council in Turkey, with the postponement of the country’s elections that were scheduled to take place last July for a period of 6 months. Hussein published an article on the media group’s platforms in which he rejected these decisions, stressing their “illegitimacy and invalidity”, and even calling for Munir and his companions to “hand over the trust,” as he put it.
Hussein Mounir was accused of “trying to run the group according to the rules of profit-making companies and away from the way the regulatory and institutional organization has worked since the group’s founding in 1928,” as he put it. Mounir was accused of “jumping on the group” after what happened to it in Egypt and Tunisia and his attempt to control it and its decisions and directing it to serve his interests and the interests of his team. He added that what Munir said about the group’s shura, its regulations and the structure of the General Shura Council “is tainted by much confusion, and is based on wrong estimates.”
The group’s secretary, Ibrahim Munir, fiercely attacked and described his decisions as “not based on legitimacy,” adding that the group’s Shura Council had met only a few times since the formation of the first Shura Council in 1990 in light of security pursuits, and decisions were made by passing or at the level of geographical sectors, in which a supplementary election was elected. To the Guidance Office, elect the General Guide and members of the Guidance Office, and adopt limited amendments to the regulations.
Ibrahim Mounir
He said that the General Shura Council, which Munir dissolved, met several times after the January 2011 revolution, and most of them were known to the media, during which time the Freedom and Justice Party was formed and Mohamed Morsi was elected President of the Republic, asking Munir, “How can the Shura Council be held under regional and international circumstances that do not Do you allow Brotherhood organizations to exist?” He called Munir and his companions to stop those “decisions that divide the ranks and end and destroy the group,” as he described it.
In addition, a number of Brotherhood leaders responded to Mahmoud Hussein and demanded him to give up his position and leave the group “to prevent its destruction”, accusing him of trying to monopolize the group, its capabilities and decisions. They stressed that what he is doing “created division, and led to the formation of several groups from within the Brotherhood, which were named after the state or capital in which they reside, such as: the Istanbul group, the London group, and the Cairo group.”
Ashraf Abdel Ghaffar attacked the leader of the group, Mahmoud Hussein, and said in a post on his page on the communication sites that “Hussain seeks to destroy the group and disperse it,” and that since 2013, he has “attempted to monopolize everything that belongs to the group, taking advantage of moments of weakness and the exposure of its leaders to imprisonment, arrest, displacement and exile.” . He added that “Hussain chose a group of his disciples and formed what was known as the Egyptians Association in Turkey. This was a creation of something that did not exist” except in some Arab countries, while the Brotherhood in Turkey, Europe, America and the rest of the world “engaged in organizing immigrants in the country in which they reside. “.
He stated that Hussein held secret elections and formed the Association’s office in Turkey and through his supporters took over the management of the organization and the group’s affairs financially and administratively “until matters escalated and reached a turning point that threatened the future of the group in general and its interests and the interests of its members in particular,” and “failed to protect the youth and elements affiliated with the Brotherhood until They are threatened with deportation, expulsion and dispersal.” Hussein demanded that he stay away, step aside, leave the group, and not cling to his position and his privileges, telling him, “If it is a trust, then leave it to its people.”
The Brotherhood had decided to expel its members and activities from Turkey and leave for other countries, after Ibrahim Mounir, acting as the group’s general guide, decided to dissolve the Brotherhood’s administrative office in Turkey and dissolve the group’s Shura Council, with the postponement of the elections, which were scheduled to take place last July. , for another 6 months.