Egypt: 19 terrorists were killed by specific army operations in Sinai

On Saturday evening, the Egyptian army announced the liquidation of 19 terrorists during specific operations In the Sinai. Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt
The army said in a statement that “based on intelligence information indicating the presence of terrorist operatives in several dens in the vicinity of the cities of Bir al-Abd and Sheikh Zuwayed and Rafah in North Sinai, the army forces carried out two specific operations that resulted in the killing of 3 very dangerous terrorists.”
He also added that “in their possession, they found automatic rifles, hand grenades, and RPG Danes, and the military engineers elements discovered and destroyed 5 explosive devices that were planted to target the forces on the axes of movement.”
He stated that “the Air Force carried out a number of concentrated air bombardments of several concentrations of terrorist elements with a number of foci, killing 16 members, targeting and destroying two-wheel drive vehicles and a warehouse containing a large amount of explosive devices and logistical support for terrorist elements.”
In addition, the Border Guard forces managed to seize a number of smugglers, in possession of large quantities of weapons and ammunition of various bullets, and a number of four-wheel drive vehicles.
The army announced the killing and wounding of 5 soldiers during the confrontations, two officers, a non-commissioned officer, and two soldiers.