Egyptians Reject Muslim Brotherhood’s Terrorist Calls To Spread Chaos

Egyptians Egyptians Egyptians During the past 7 years, since President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi assumed the presidency of Egypt, with fair elections, judicial supervision and international follow-up, after a huge popular revolution in Egypt that toppled the radical Islamic Brotherhood regime that lasted for only one year.
As an extension of the disastrous failure of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, again, the Egyptians reject suspicious calls to demonstrate against Sisi, and affirm their support for President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to complete his path of construction, freedom and progress.
The international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, “classified as a terrorist in several countries,” practiced all forms of violence and pressure, inside and outside Egypt, to thwart Sisi’s ambitions to change the life of Egyptians for the better, and to advance Egypt to the ranks of civilized countries.
After the fall of the head of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Morsi, in a massive popular revolution in 2013, Egypt faced an unprecedented wave of violence, between the indiscriminate targeting of civilians in a series of explosions, in addition to targeting security forces from the police and the army, even civil aviation lines were targeted and a Russian civilian plane was shot down with a terrorist act. Hundreds of innocents were killed, which led to the collapse of tourism in Egypt, which is one of the most important pillars of the Egyptian national economy, and nearly 5 million workers in the tourism sector were displaced.
Things changed, however, after the election of the hugely popular President, Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, who won 98% in fair elections under international supervision. Al-Sisi was able to completely end the violence of the Muslim Brotherhood within two years, and in this year 2020, Egypt was ranked among the 10 most secure countries in the world.
Al-Sisi restructured and strengthened the police apparatus, and strengthened the Egyptian army to become the 9th in the world in 2020.
After Sisi succeeded in securing Egypt completely internally, the members of the organization sought refuge in countries that are hostile to Egypt, such as Qatar and Turkey, and were able to open satellite channels thanks to the large funding from these countries to support their activities to fight Sisi’s path to advance Egypt, in addition to the electronic committees funded on social media. So they fabricate and spread rumors and false information inside Egypt, to inflame the public.
But after 7 years of inciting chaos, spreading rumors and lies, and minimizing achievements, all the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood outside Egypt have failed. The Egyptians completely reject them, and they do not believe them. They called thousands of times during 7 years for a revolution against Sisi, and not a single Egyptian responded to them, so they resort To the fabrications, the last of which was their call to demonstrate from September 15 to September 20, which was completely rejected by the Egyptians, who always affirm their support for Sisi’s accomplishments, let us give you a simple look at some of Sisi’s projects that changed the face of Egypt.
1- 100 million health campaign.
A campaign launched by Al-Sisi to eliminate diseases and epidemics and conduct surgical operations, as nearly 20 million Egyptians were treated for virus c completely free of charge, and precise surgeries were conducted up to more than 500 thousand operations for free, and waiting lists for Egyptian patients by hundreds of thousands were eliminated, and the sector developed Health, and free early detection of 100 million Egyptians to detect communicable diseases all over Egypt, and this helped the country to confront the Corona virus, making Egypt one of the 5 most successful countries in the world in the Covid 19 crisis.
2- Building 20 new cities to accommodate the increase in population.
The population of Egypt has reached more than 100 million people, who live in only 6% of Egypt’s area.
Al-Sisi re-planned the country and inaugurated 20 new, fourth-generation cities based on the latest international methods, and distinctly planned to accommodate the increase in housing and reconstruction of the rest of the empty Egyptian lands.

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3- Building a new capital, to be opened in 2021.
The current capital, Cairo, is considered one of the most crowded cities in the world, and it is an ancient city full of archaeological treasures that the crowding has negatively affected. This will be implemented in just 3 years, and the transition will take place in mid-2021.
4- Development of the road network all over Egypt.
Egypt was classified as one of the worst countries in the quality of roads and the highest in road accidents, so Egypt’s road network was developed, to become one of the 20 best countries in the world in road quality, and the accident rate decreased by 60%.
5- Completely eliminating slums and insecure areas.
Millions of Egyptians were living in random and insecure areas, Sisi completely eliminated slums in all parts of Egypt and developed these areas for housing worthy of Egyptians and respected the most basic human rights in record time, in addition to providing them with jobs.