Egypt’s Sisi Welcomes Ceasefire Declarations By Rival Libya Governments

Egypt’s Sisi welcomed Friday ceasefire declarations made by neighbouring Libya’s warring rival governments.

“I welcome statements by Libya’s presidential council and the House of Representatives calling for a ceasefire and halting military operations in all Libyan territory,” Sisi said in a tweet.

Sisi, whose government has been a major supporter of the eastern-based administration dominated by military strongman Khalifa Haftar, said the twin announcements were an “important step” on the path to restoring stability.

Tripoli-based, internationally recognised Government of National Accord (GNA) announced a ceasefire on Friday and the Eastern-based Libyan parliament called for an immediate ceasefire.

“I welcome statements by Libya’s presidential council and the House of Representatives calling for a ceasefire and halting military operations in all Libyan territory,” Sisi said in a tweet. 

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Abdelfattah Elsisi
ارحب بالبيانات الصادرة عن المجلس الرئاسى ومجلس النواب فى ليبيا بوقف اطلاق النار ووقف العمليات العسكرية فى كافة الأراضي الليبية باعتبار ذلك خطوة هامة على طريق تحقيق التسوية السياسية وطموحات الشعب الليبى فى استعادة الاستقرار والازدهار فى ليبيا وحفظ مقدرات شعبها

Sisi, whose government has been a major supporter of the eastern-based administration dominated by military strongman Khalifa Haftar, said the twin announcements were an “important step” on the path to restoring stability.

The GNA has been locked in conflict with east-Libyan based forces led by veteran commander Khalifa Haftar, who launched a 14-month offensive on Tripoli before Turkish support for the GNA forced him to retreat in June.

GNA head Fayez al-Sarraj “issued instructions to all military forces to immediately cease fire and all combat operations in all Libyan territories”, a statement said.

The LNA is backed by the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Russia. International intervention in Libya has deepened since the LNA offensive began in April 2019.

The GNA appealed in its statement for the LNA to lift a blockade on oil facilities that has all but halted the country’s output, saying revenue should be held in a special account and only be released after a political deal was reached.

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