European Union blacklists the Houthis

In a move welcomed by the Yemeni government, the European Union placed the Houthi militias on the Union blacklist, with the militias’ assets frozen days after a similar Arab resolution and a UN Security Council resolution before they the group as a “terrorist”.
The European Union’s decision to add the Houthis to the Union blacklist was based on their recent attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Yemen, obstructing the delivery of humanitarian aid, implementing policies of sexual violence and oppression of women and their involvement in the recruitment and use of children, in addition to the indiscriminate use of landmines, and they attacked merchant ships in the Red Sea with explosive devices and underwater mines.
According to this move, the European Union has decided to freeze the militia̵
7;s assets and prohibit it from providing any funding, as this decision corresponds to a decision of the United Nations Security Council Committee of February 28, 2022.
For its part, Yemen’s Foreign Ministry yesterday (Tuesday) welcomed the European Union’s decision to include the Houthi coup militia in the group under sanctions for threatening peace, security and stability in Yemen.
In an official statement, she said the European decision confirms important facts about the behavior of the terrorist Houthi militia, which targets civilians and infrastructure in Yemen, employs policies of repression and sexual violence against political activists, recruits and exploits and provokes children Sectarian and racial violence, indiscriminate laying of mines, obstruction of humanitarian access to those who deserve it, and attacks on merchant ships in the Red Sea with unmanned boats and sea mines.
A few days ago, the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers decided to classify the Houthi group as a terrorist group and add it to the list of terrorist organizations on the Arab black list of perpetrators, masterminds and financiers of terrorist attacks.
The statement noted that the Houthi militias “have morally lost their fight, which has increased the problem of their rejection and rejection at the local, regional and international levels.” He called for the need to keep up the pressure on the militias until the coup ended, security and stability restored and the political process in Yemen resumed according to the three references.
The General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers said in a statement that the classification of the Houthi militia as a terrorist entity and their inclusion on the Arab blacklist was the result of the violations it committed against the Yemeni people, including killings, displacement, Detention and torture since he took control of the capital, Sanaa, on September 21, 2014. , and abuses against neighboring countries and the international community, including repeated cross-border terrorist attacks on civilians and infrastructure in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
The Arab statement clarified that the inclusion of the Houthis in the Arab blacklist of perpetrators, masterminds and financiers of terrorist attacks by the General Secretariat of the Council of Arab Interior Ministers “is the result of the efforts of the Arab police and security services, who are threatening these militias.” and the consequences of spreading their toxic actions and ideas days after the issuance of Security Council Resolution 2624 as a terrorist group and the Arab Parliamentary Union’s application for listing, the Houthis recognized as a terrorist group.