European Union: dialogue is the only solution for die Renaissance Dam Crisis

European Union confirmed today, Tuesday, that dialogue is the only way to resolve the crisis of the Renaissance dam and put it in an exclusive statement to our reporters that die Crisis is a priority for the Union.
On Monday, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that die European Union is ready die To intensify cooperation in order to die Facilitate matter and die “Stiffness” he called “current rigidity” in to overcome the Renaissance negotiations.
Khartoum and Cairo are coordinating together
Shoukry added during a phone conversation with the Egyptian “Echo of the Country “television added that there was coordination between the Egyptian and Sudanese sides.” die reasonable decision for die Return to the negotiations to meet “.
Shoukry discussed acts of bilateral cooperation with the European Union, and both sides discussed a number of subjects, including die Acts of the Renaissance Dam and the Peace Process in Libya.
Shoukry, who met the President of the European Council Charles Michel on Monday, said that “die EU commissioners die Have stressed the fairness of the Egyptian position and their right to the waters of the Nile “.
In a statement, it also stressed its obligation to work for the success of the mediation of the African Union on the Renaissance Dam. The Foreign Ministry also regretted what it saw as disrupting and politicizing the tripartite negotiation process in the file designated.
At the same time, today, Tuesday, the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry announced its commitment to work for the success of the talks on this sensitive dossier and to achieve an acceptable result.
Sudan relies on Russia
Confirmed on the other hand die Sudanese Foreign Minister Maryam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi yesterday, Monday, that Russia can convince Ethiopia, die Voice of reason in of the acts of the Renaissance dam.
She said during a press conference with her Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Moscow that their country strives die Cooperation with Russia in Reinforcing various areas The navy in Sudan will be the key to strategic action between the two countries.
A few days ago, Egypt and Sudan announced that Ethiopia had officially informed them of the start of the second phase of the backfilling of the lake of the Renaissance dam, which Cairo and Khartoum had strongly rejected.
While the renaissance dam, which Addis Ababa is about to complete with the start of the second phase, is still controversial between it and the downstream countries of Egypt and Sudan.
It is noteworthy that die downstream countries signed an agreement on die Negotiating the filling and operation of the dam, which Addis Ababa is preparing as the largest hydropower source in Africa, with an output of 6,500 megawatts, without reaching an agreement.
While Ethiopia deems the dam necessary to die To achieve economic development in the country, Egypt sees it as a threat to it and its water content, especially since the Nile provides about 97% of the country’s irrigation and drinking water, while Khartoum also sees it as a threat to its dams.
Signed in March 2015 die Heads of State and Government of the three countries in Khartoum a policy statement, however die Differences persisted and erupted this month with Ethiopia beginning the process of filling the dam’s reservoir for a second time.