Former Secretary General Mahmoud Hussein dismissing Mounir from the position of Brotherhood guide

For the first time in years, Mahmoud Hussein, the former Secretary-General of the Brotherhood and the leader of what was known as the Istanbul Front, made statements broadcast by the group’s websites yesterday, Thursday, in which he confirmed the invalidity of the decisions of Ibrahim Munir, the acting general guide, his dismissal from his position, and the selection of a temporary committee that performs the tasks of the acting guide.
Mounir’s isolation
Hussein said that the General Shura Council, which is the highest body in the group, met a few days ago and decided to dismiss Munir, and to invalidate his recent decisions to marginalize, freeze and dismiss leaders from the group, and also decided to form a temporary committee to assume the duties of the acting guide.
He added that all members of the General Shura Council were invited and convened with a correct quorum according to the group’s list, and it was decided to take all those decisions, considering that “Munir is a brother, but he does not currently have any responsibilities within the group,” noting that his recent decisions have no effect, nor It may be taken only by a decision of the approved and elected public consultation.
Amending Article 5 of the Community Regulations
In the details of the dispute, Hussein revealed that at the beginning of Ibrahim Munir’s assumption of responsibility, specifically on September 9, 2020, he personally submitted a request from him and signed by 10 leaders of the Shura Council in order to amend Article 5 of the group’s bylaw, which requires him to take over the charge d’affaires after the arrest of Mahmoud Ezzat And the need to activate institutional work by referring the matter to the General Shura Council to take a decision, adding that he was surprised by Munir ignoring that.
Mahmoud Hussein
The amendment requested by Hussein includes that in the absence of the guide and his deputies, the matter of managing the group is referred to the General Shura Council, and canceling the text that requires the oldest member of the Guidance Office to take over the work of the general guide of the group, which Munir rejected, and ignored, stressing that the council convened and decided to amend the regulation and dismiss Munir Choosing a committee to manage the group.
Cancellation of Munir’s decisions
He also revealed that Munir may not dissolve elected councils or dismiss or freeze leaders in the General Shura Council, declaring that the Shura Council issued a decision to relieve Munir from his position and cancel all his decisions.
Ibrahim Mounir
With these decisions, the scene was ready for Mahmoud Hussein to assume the position of General Acting Guide, instead of Munir, and to retain all the companies, tasks and responsibilities subject to the group, while Munir refused and decided to form a new Shura Council to respond to Hussein’s Shura and cancel his decisions.
Shura Council abroad
Mounir called the new formation the Shura Council Abroad, and it was supported by Mahmoud El-Ebiary and Mohamed El-Behairy, the two leaders in the international organization, who decided to freeze and marginalize a number of Brotherhood leaders loyal to Hussein and the Istanbul Front, their number reached so far about 73 leaders, and the continued freezing of the six big ones in the Istanbul front, Mahmoud Hussein, Medhat Al-Haddad, Mohamed Abdel-Wahhab, Hammam Ali Youssef, Rajab Al-Banna and Mamdouh Mabrouk.
Youssef Nada does justice to Mounir
But a few days ago, Youssef Nada, the former commissioner of the group’s international relations and responsible for the group’s investments in most parts of the world, made statements in which he tried to resolve the conflict in favor of Ibrahim Munir and the London leaders.
Youssef Nada
While Nada tried to recommend Munir in the conflict, saying that Munir looks after the interests of the group more than himself and his family, begging the youth and members of the group not to be drawn into what he described as sedition, and demanding the necessity of her retirement, and not repeating what happened previously, when a group of the group’s youth defected in the forties and formed a front that knew On behalf of the youth of Muhammad.
He said that the historical leaders of the group, who are in Egyptian prisons, settled the matter for years, and confirmed that in the event of the arrest of Mahmoud Ezzat, the acting guide, Ibrahim Munir would be adopted in his place, adding that Munir had enjoyed the confidence of the group’s guides, starting with Hamid Abu Al-Nasr, the fourth of the group’s guides, and the confidence of the guides. After him, they are Mustafa famous, Mahdi Akef and Muhammad Badi.