Iranians Commemorate National Day For Fighting Global Arrogance
IRGC Commander, Major General Hossein Salami, affirms that the Islamic Resistance in the region "will deliver a harsh blow" to what he referred to as the "Axis of Evil."

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Commander, Major General Hossein Salami, affirmed on Sunday that the Iranian people have demonstrated their resilience, while the United States has failed to break their will through sanctions.
Speaking on the occasion of the National Day for Fighting Global Arrogance, Salami said the United States, “which claims to defend human rights, democracy, and freedom, is known only for its wars and is the source of political chaos around the world.”
He pointed out that, through the Israeli occupation regime, the US seeks to reshape policies in West Asia, aiming to “entrench backwardness and instability” in the region.
However, the United States “can no longer impose its policies on nations because the world has changed,” the IRGC Commander stressed, highlighting the failure of its conspiracies in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.
Salami further pointed out that the American efforts to push the so-called Abraham Accords have ended in failure, referring to normalization agreements between some Arab states and “Israel”.
The faithful minority in Gaza will prevail over the United States and “Israel”, Salami underscored, as Palestinian and Lebanese Resistance fighters continue to deliver blows to the Israeli occupation military.
The IRGC Commander added that the US and its Western allies have joined forces against Gaza, but the Strip’s people have managed to inspire new hope.
“We see the Zionist entity nearing its decline, and we know how to strike the enemy, and we will continue to stand against arrogance,” he emphasized, reaffirming Iran’s solidarity with Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon in confronting “Israel”.
In a statement issued before his speech, Salami affirmed that Iran and the Axis of Resistance do not fear American and Israeli threats and will equip themselves with whatever is necessary to overcome the enemy.
The IRGC Commander also warned the United States and “Israel” that the Islamic Resistance in the region “will deliver a harsh blow” to what he referred to as the “Axis of Evil.”
He pointed out that the undeniable and tragic events in the strategic West Asia region, especially in Gaza and Lebanon, are the strongest and most compelling proof of the collapse of American human rights narratives, which are championed by Washington’s leaders.
The blood of tens of thousands of innocent children, women, and men in Gaza and Lebanon has been shed under the brutal assaults and medieval crimes of the Israeli occupation entity, a reality that has exposed Western civilization, American freedom, and democracy in one of the most critical moments in history., Salami indicated.
He said that the side responsible for the murdering of commanders like General Qasem Soleimani, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Ismail Haniyeh, Yahya Sinwar, and dozens and hundreds of martyrs and fighters of the Islamic Resistance is the same Israeli-American alliance that has become despised and rejected by the Islamic nation and the broader global community conscious of anti-hegemony.
Elsewhere, Salami reiterated that Iran will stand alongside all pillars and parts of the Axis of Resistance, ready to achieve victories that will hasten the final demise of the Israeli entity and the complete expulsion of the United States from the West Asia region.
National Day for Fighting Global Arrogance
Iran commemorated Sunday the National Day for Fighting Global Arrogance with mass demonstrations across the provinces under the slogan “America is the Axis of Evil in the World,” with students, university attendees, and various social groups participating nationwide.
The events began in Tehran at Palestine Square and continued toward the former US Embassy, also referred to as the “Den of Espionage”, with this year’s theme being “Marching toward al-Quds.”
Throughout the demonstration route, various cultural stations were set up by civic groups and students to creatively convey their perspectives on the nature of global arrogance.
The National Day for Fighting Global Arrogance commemorates the takeover of the former US Embassy in Tehran by Iranian university students on November 4, 1979, in protest against American conspiracies against the Islamic Revolution.
Participants carried flags of Iran, Palestine, Hezbollah, and Resistance factions, along with images of martyrs, including the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.