PDL Leader Abir Moussi Exposes the Government and Brotherhood of Tunisia
Abir Moussi: Motion presented by the PDL aims to condemn the laundering of terrorism"

Several scenarios are currently likely, according to the MP, in particular the absence of certain deputies who would not desire to assume their seats in favor of terrorism or who would not want the quorum required for the Parliament.
Speaking to Tunisie Numérique, PDL Leader Abir Moussi stated that the motion introduced by her parliamentary bloc intends to denounce “the laundering” of terrorism and to “cut off its rations”. The motion is planned to call on the administration to dissolve all so-called associations and organizations that support or finance terrorism, she revealed.
She, on the same level, determined that this motion would be an examination for the MPs so that the Tunisians can know their exact positions in connection to terrorism, and thereby evaluate the veracity of their speeches.