The Arab Parliament calls for the inclusion of ” Israeli Settler Militias” in the lists of terrorism
The Arab Parliament called on the international community and the Security Council to include what it called “Israeli settler militias” in the terrorist lists, affirming its “deep condemnation” of the acts of violence committed by settlers against the Palestinians.

Yesterday, the Arab Parliament called on the international community and the Security Council to include what it called “Israeli settler militias” in the terrorist lists.
This came in a statement by the Arab Parliament – which includes representatives of 22 countries – coinciding with the continued settler attacks on the Palestinians and their property in the West Bank.
In a statement, the Arab Parliament expressed its “strong condemnation of the acts of violence committed by settler militias against the Palestinian people in the town of Hawara, south of Nablus, and in the cities of the West Bank.”
He stressed that “the settlers’ terrorization of defenseless Palestinian citizens has become a systematic method, and failure to deter them and hold them accountable gave them the opportunity to continue their crimes and attacks, including shooting, burning homes and vehicles, and expelling farmers from their lands.”
The Arab Parliament called on “the international community and the Security Council to take immediate and urgent action to stop the repeated attacks of settlers and to include settler militias on terrorist lists.”
Yesterday, Tuesday, two Palestinian settlers were injured and 50 olive trees were damaged in the West Bank, according to the Palestinian News Agency.
Since the beginning of 2023, confrontations have escalated in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and have resulted in the death of 66 Palestinians and the death of 12 Israelis in separate operations.
Since last Sunday, several Palestinian villages in the vicinity of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, have witnessed unprecedented attacks by Israeli settlers. The attacks resulted in the death of a Palestinian, the injury of dozens, and the burning and destruction of dozens of homes and cars.