This is how Palestinian Ministry of Health cooperated with a company run by President Abbas son

Shortly after the scandal over the Palestinian Authority’s corrupt vaccine deal with Israel, another corruption scandal related to Coronavirus testing have been exposed, including notably the president’s two sons. Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Economy Minister Khaled al-Aseeli and the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
A circular issued by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, bearing the name of Deputy Undersecretary for Public Health Affairs Kamal Al-Shakhra, revealed that the ministry had specified a type of home test, for sale in pharmacies, which is PANBIO COVID-19.
The circular warns against trading or selling of any other type, and submitting daily lists to the Health Directorate.
Another message, sent by Ramallah Health Directorate Pharmacy Inspector Youssef Sorour to a group from the Syndicate of Pharmacists confirms the contents of the circular, noting once again that this is the only type allowed to be sold at the pharmacy according to the conditions set out in the circular.
The generalization of Palestinian health in Ramallah, is inconsistent with the licenses granted by the Ministry of Global Health to several companies for the sale of rapid tests at home, and during the research it found that some ministries of health across the world have authorized more than 10 types, for example the Canadian Ministry of Health has authorized more than 15 types, among which is PANBIO COVID-19, and the list shows that there are better tests than it in terms of accuracy in detecting infection.
The company that made the test, whose name was released by Palestinian Health, is Abbott, and its agent in Palestine is APIC Medical Supplies and Services Company, which includes in its board of administration Tariq Abbas, son of President Mahmoud Abbas and Zuhair Al-Aseeli, son of Economy Minister Khaled Al-Aseeli.
Panbio COVID-19 is sold in pharmacies at a price ranging between 35 to 40 shekels, while there are other varieties like GenSure COVID-19, the test of which is sold for 8 to 10 shekels, and it is approved by the ‘World Health Organization and is very popular in several countries, including the Israeli occupation.
Pharmacists say the circular not to sell any other items will pave the way for smuggling from the occupation to West Bank areas due to the large price difference, and other items of an acceptable price to the consumer will be sold in areas the Authority does not reach, or in stores other than pharmacies, and it cannot be ruled out that Coronavirus home tests will become a commodity in stores, they say.
The pharmacists, who asked not to reveal their names, point out that limiting sales to a single brand is a monopoly in favor of the supply company, which includes President Mahmoud Abbas son on its board, Minister of Economy son and influential figures in the PA.
Tariq Abbas and Zuhair Al-Aseeli were appointed in 2011 to manage the Arab Palestinian Investment Company (APIC), an investment holding company was founded in 1994 by a number of Arab businessmen.