Top Priority is to Stop the War… Dahlan Won’t Accept Any Position in Gaza

Palestinian leader Mohammad Dahlan announced today, Thursday, his refusal to accept any official Palestinian security, governmental, or executive role, denying the claims made by some media outlets about his role in Gaza during the post-war phase.

In his comment on the repeated press leaks that the media are circulating regarding the post-war phase in Gaza.

Dahlan, the reformist leader of the Fatah movement, said on his official Facebook page, “Time and again, different scenarios are proposed or leaked to the media about the solutions and arrangements for the day after the devastating war launched and continued by the Israeli occupation, and sometimes our name is mentioned to create some excitement.”

Top priority is to stop the war
Dahlan continued, “We strongly affirm that stopping the war is our top priority, and we will not support any option except within the framework of national Palestinian understandings that lead us to rebuild the Palestinian political system through a transparent democratic process.”

He also emphasized the need for “a documented and scheduled international action plan” that leads to the realization of the Palestinian people’s struggles by establishing their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

The Palestinian leader added, “My colleagues and I personally affirm that we are here only to provide all we can to help our people in Gaza based on the generous and continuous support from our brothers in the United Arab Emirates throughout this heinous extermination.”

Dahlan explained, “I have repeatedly declared my refusal to accept or perform any security, governmental, or executive role.”

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