Tunisia Ministry of Foreign Affairs Responds to Smear Campaigns

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Tunisians Abroad revealed its strong reaction to suspicious attacks and malicious campaigns targeting the ministry itself as well as several of its diplomatic and consular missions on social media platforms.
This statement highlights that the ministry will not permit these platforms, which are designed for media communication, positive interaction and constructive criticism, to be hijacked by people hidden behind pages and online accounts to constantly defame the symbols. of the State, the officials of the ministry and its workers .
In this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Tunisians Abroad reports that it will take all required legal measures to identify the authors of these online accounts and bring them to justice.
Furthermore, it cautions against the misuse of the official accounts of the ministry and its diplomatic and consular missions to spread offensive comments with the aim of spreading false information, uttering insults or damaging honour.
The statement adds that such practices will be promptly dealt with in accordance with applicable laws and those responsible will be held accountable.
The Ministry insisted on the fact that all these individuals are Tunisian citizens whose dignity is safeguarded by law during the exercise of their functions.
The statement reminds that anyone who spreads rumours, spreads lies, attacks people or denigrates their reputation is under the law and will be prosecuted accordingly.