Washington, Tel Aviv discuss future of PA after Abbas leaves

A high-level source in the PA said that the US-Israel plan, which is being discussed with Palestinian officials, focused on the future of the PA after Abbas leaves, providing new sources of financial support to the Authority and strengthening its security services, to prevent the situation from getting worse in the future.
On the American side, the talks are being led by Hadi Amr, the Palestinian-Israeli official at the Foreign Ministry, who is currently discussing with American and Israeli officials the formation of a joint committee to facilitate the economic activity of the country “Palestinian Authority”.
Meanwhile, Ramallah, through Finance Minister Shukri Bishara, who met with Amr, affirmed the need to rebuild trust between the occupation and the Palestinians, providing a series of facilities, and revising the Paris economic agreement to stop the deterioration of the Palestinian Authority.
However, the most important and serious thing for Americans in the future, according to senior Palestinian sources who spoke to the media, about the future of the Palestinian Authority after Mahmoud Abbas “85 years old” leave and whose health condition getting worse.
This is what the two sides “American, Israeli” spoke about with the Palestinian Authority over the past week, demanding to arrange the internal conditions of the Authority in a way that would not allow Hamas to control the Palestinian political situation. .
According to report, the Americans stressed the need to change the Palestinian political system in the coming period, and to pass a law that would allow the appointment of a deputy to Abbas to assume the functions of the presidency in case he died or left the presidency.
President Abbas currently enjoys all executive and legislative powers in the Palestinian territories after the dissolution of the Legislative Council two years ago, this will allow him to enact a new law relating to the presidential file and appoint a deputy as the Americans and Israelis wishes. However, the decision remains subjected according to PA officials, to improve economic conditions in the West Bank.