West, US Blast Taliban Over Reported ‘Summary Killings’ of former members of the security forces

In a joint statement, the 22 nations demanded that the Islamist regime respect its pledge not to harm former government or security personnel.
“We are deeply concerned by reports of summary killings and enforced disappearances”, the statement says.
It follows a damning report on killings and abductions by the Islamist regime.
It also documented the murder of 47 members of the Afghan security forces who surrendered to, or were captured by, the Taliban between 15 August and 31 October.
Released by the Human Rights Watch earlier this week, the report documented more than 100 executions and abductions of former Afghan government officials since the Taliban took control of the country almost four months ago.
This is despite the regime’s assurance that previous government workers would not be harmed.
The short joint statement was issued by the US and signed by the UK, European Union and a further 19 countries. It outlined their deep concerns over the report’s findings and called on all cases of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances to be fully investigated.
“We will continue to measure the Taliban by their actions,” the statement concluded.
In August a report published by Amnesty International found that 300 Taliban fighters travelled to an area near Dahani Qul village on 30 August, where former government soldiers were staying with their families.
There have been many instances of the Taliban’s actions contradicting what they have pledged, and previous humanitarian reports have also revealed targeted killings.
The report says the fighters executed nine of the soldiers after they had already surrendered, two more died in the crossfire and a further two civilians were also killed during the fighting that ensued, including a 17-year-old girl.