Hamas Open to Ceasefire Talks on Condition of Full Truce in Gaza

The Palestinian Resistance said it refuses to restart negotiations unless they are based on the last ceasefire proposal presented on July 2, noting that Netanyahu has set new conditions to intentionally undermine the negotiation process.

Hamas political office member Husam Badran informed Sputnik on Thursday that the movement is not rejecting the possibility of holding talks with “Israel” but insists on a complete ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as a precondition.

The previous week, Egypt, Qatar, and the US urged “Israel” and Hamas to resume negotiations for a ceasefire on August 14-15, with both sides allegedly expressing readiness to present a final proposal for an agreement.

Hamas representative in Lebanon Ahmed Abdel Hadi later clarified on Tuesday that the Palestinian Resistance would not partake in the negotiations as it remains committed to the implementation of the terms outlined in the July 2 proposal and does not see the need for further talks unless these terms are honored.

“The [Hamas] movement does not reject the principle of negotiations as such, contrary to the statements made by Zionist [Israeli] propaganda, and demands an operational plan that will ensure the success of these efforts and lead to an effective cessation of aggression,” Badran said.

The Hamas official noted that any negotiations must be anchored in a clear and actionable plan for implementing the agreed-upon actions. He also voiced concerns that “Israel” might obstruct the talks to prolong its actions in the Strip.

“The movement believes that the real hurdle for a ceasefire is Israel’s continued avoidance and the unconditional support that the US administration has for it, as it is indelibly linked with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s position,” Badran said.

He further noted that Hamas has consistently engaged with international ceasefire initiatives, including proposals from US President Joe Biden and relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

“However, the occupation force [Israel] continues refusing to make a concrete agreement and insists on continuing its crimes in the Gaza Strip, ignoring all calls to stop the war … Any agreement must include a complete ceasefire, a complete withdrawal of troops from the Gaza Strip, the return of displaced persons and reconstruction, as well as prisoner exchange,” Badran said.

On Tuesday, US sources reported that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu added further conditions to the agreement, causing negotiations with the Resistance to be further hampered.

The movement said that it refuses to restart negotiations unless they are based on the last ceasefire proposal presented on July 2, asserting that Netanyahu has set new conditions to intentionally undermine the negotiation process.

The Israeli negotiating team has reportedly been instructed to introduce clauses that restrict the release of Palestinian detainees, allow Israeli checkpoints in Gaza during truce periods, and maintain occupation of strategic areas like the Philadephi Axis and Rafah border crossing, as per a report from NBC news. 

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