FC Barcelona, to the limit: 30% salary reduction or bankruptcy

FC Barcelona could go in in contest of creditors if it does not achieve to close a cut salaries severe of the first team before the next Thursday.
The crisis of the coronavirus has affected gravely the economy of the big European clubs but, definitely, the FC Barcelona is one of which more affected has seen . The Catalan club has suffered an enormous hit in his liquidity that began in the stop that there was in the football the past month of March and that follows so much to consequence of these three months without football as by the new normality of the sportive panorama in period of pandemic.
It is thus that the FC Barcelona needs urgently close a severe cut salaries. According to the information’s desveladas by ‘RAC1’ and collected by ‘Ace’, the Barcelona club could go in in contest of creditors if it does not achieve to close before a week -with next Thursday like limit- a decrease of the mass salaries of 190 million euros.
The past Friday, through a meeting between the lawyers of the club and the ones of the footballers, would have begun some negotiations that have to arrive to good port of way very agile to avoid greater consequences. Something that will not be simple since we are speaking of a cut of the 30 percent that it has to pactarse before the next day 5 November.
Of not to concretise an agreement between club and players, the contest of creditors would take place in the next month of January.It is necessary to take into account, besides, the concrete cases of some footballers, being the one of Leo Messi the more procupante since, in case that do not decide to renew his agreement and extend it further of 2021, would earn an important bonus of final of stage in the FC Barcelona, something that pondríatodavía more in check the economy culé.
Carles Tusquets, president of the managing commission at the head of the FC Barcelona after the resignation en bloc of Josep Maria Bartomeu and his managerial board, already warned the past Thursday of the delicate that it is the situation of the club. “Our main worry is economic. The pandemic is affecting especially to the Barcelona. The club depends of the tourism and now there is not”, said.
In fact, the provisional president of the FC Barcelona gathered with Josep Maria Bartomeu, of who collected part of the plan of adjust economic. “The situation is not confortable, have to collect the ideas of the previous board to remedy the evils that affect us”, ensured. It is necessary to remember that the club will follow seeing menguados his income, at least, along the present season.