Western Nationalities and Human Rights Organizations… The Brotherhood Way to Rebuilt the Organization

After the fall of the Brotherhood’s rule in Egypt as a result of the June Revolution of 2013, the imprisonment of the historical leaders of the Brotherhood organization, a large number of leaders and elements of the terrorist organization youth, outside the country and their dispersal between Turkey, European countries and some Asian countries, the Brotherhood organization began in attempts A new rebuilding of the organization, with new youthful leaders residing in the West, holding foreign nationalities in addition to their Egyptian nationality.
Rebuilding the organization again will not be limited to changing leaders, nor renewing the Brotherhood speech, but rather it will be with modern features and liberal ideas consistent with the West traditions, and with a human rights cover that focuses on human rights, freedoms issues, and peaceful opposition to the regimes, to reach power and after it reaches power, the organization begins to reveal itself.
Establishing Human Rights Centers
According to our information’s, the Brotherhood organization began to establish human rights centers and institutions specialized in issues of freedoms through the sons of the leaders residing in Europe to attract and recruit Egyptian youth, including, for example, Muhammad Sultan, son of the Brotherhood leader Salah Sultan, who works within the human rights organization known as the “Egyptian Platform for Human Rights.” It is a Brotherhood organization established in Europe, and works between Europe and America.
Muhammad Sultan graduated from the American University of Ohio and headed the branch of the Muslim Students Association at Ohio University, which was established by Brotherhood in 1963 and is one of the largest associations affiliated with the organization in the United States of America and Canada.
Sultan, was released by Egypt in 2015, after he was accused in the case known in the media as the “fourth operations room” and the court punished him with life imprisonment, he was deported to the United States of America, undertakes the task of infiltrating international human rights organizations, in cooperation with Khalaf Bayoumi, the head of Al-Shehab Foundation for Human Rights in London, a lawyer for the organization in Alexandria, before leaving Egypt and heading to Europe.
Human Rights Monitor
The information reveals that one of the human rights organizations run by the sons of Brotherhood leaders in the West and targeting young people there and including them in brotherhood organization.
Human Rights Monitor, which is located in the British capital, London, and is run by Salma Ashraf Abdel Ghaffar, the daughter of Ashraf Abdel Ghaffar, the Brotherhood leader, one of the defendants in the two cases of the international organization of the Brotherhood and the Al-Azhar militia. In 2012, ousted President Mohamed Morsi pardoned him.
Although this organization works in the field of defending human rights, most of its cases were against prison and death sentences issued by Egyptian courts against the youth of the organization and members of the “Hasm” and “Brigade of the Revolution” movements, in order to increase international pressure to release them and integrate again in the society to be at the forefront of the ranks of the organization after it was rebuilt on modern foundations.
The researcher in the history of extremist organizations, Sameh Fayez, says that, unlike the youth of other Islamic groups, Brotherhood’s youth were the most used by the West’s means to call for change, by controlling human rights organizations, civil society organizations, and Islamic centers, even the most influenced by Western ideas and their identification, according to the regulations of the Department of Communication with the Islamic World founded by Hassan al-Banna, which stipulates that the way to establish an Islamic state is achieved by establishing a people for the Brotherhood in various countries of the world.
The Egyptian researcher revealed that the Brotherhood organization managed, since the fifties of the last century, to infiltrate a number of Western and European countries by penetrating the Muslim communities and establishing regulatory bodies that initially undertake the organization of worship, such as the Munich Mosque in Germany, then present a type of religiosity that goes along with the requirements of common life in the Westren environment and then incursion into those communities.
He said that with the beginning of the nineties, a number of Islamic organizations were formed in Europe that were dominated by the Brotherhood, through these organizations they began to rebuild it after its collapse in June of the year 2013 and to provide international, political, human rights and financial support to restore it to the scene again in a way that is completely different from the image that had previously been established. In Arab, Islamic and Western societies.