World is searching for ventilators … and a country has only 4

While several countries are trying to produce Ventilators At any cost, we find a country like South Sudan It has only 4 devices for a population of 12 million, i.e. one for every 3 million people.
The virus That has killed more than 155,000 people, experts warn that Covid-19 Nicknamed”The enemy of mankind” It could destroy countries that lack the proper health care equipment and infrastructure.
Among those devices that patients and the world badly need, the ventilators, which are indispensable for many cases, emerge. In this context, a catastrophe revealed by “CNN”.
South Sudan also has only 24 ICU beds, according to data from the International Rescue Committee (IRC).
The NGO says that Burkina Faso It has 11 devices, And Sierra Leone 13, the Central African Republic 3, while owning Venezuela 84 beds in the intensive care unit for a population of 32 million, while we find that 90% of its hospitals face a shortage of medicines and vital supplies.
“We’ve already seen how the epidemic quickly crushed health systems in countries with relatively advanced health systems,” said Elinor Ricks, vice-chair of the committee.” (..) Now there is already an urgent reason to worry about how weaker health systems will face the virus (if it spreads further).”.
It is indicated that Corona Virus Has killed nearly a thousand people in Africa Since it appeared in China in December, according to an AFP census based on official figures.
For his part, considered a senior official of the World Health Organization, Friday, that Africa is still able to contain the outbreak of Covid-19 disease caused by the emerging corona virus.
Mike Ryan, Executive Director of WHO’s Emergency Health Program, said: “I think African countries can do more than what people abroad can expect”.
He added “We do not believe that the disease has exceeded the capacity to contain it”.
Ryan’s comments came after the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa said he was likely to be killed The epidemic At least 300,000 Africans, and threatens to pay 29 million to the cycle of extreme poverty.
And with what healthcare systems face under pressure The virus That has killed more than 155,000 people, experts warn that Covid-19 Nicknamed “the enemy of mankind” it could destroy countries that lack health care equipment and adequate infrastructure.
Among those devices that are badly needed by patients and the world, ventilators, which are indispensable for many cases, are emerging. In this context, a disaster revealed by CNN is emerging.
While several countries are trying to produce Ventilators At any cost, we find a country like South Sudan It has only 4 devices for a population of 12 million, i.e. one for every 3 million people.
South Sudan also has only 24 ICU beds, according to data from the International Rescue Committee (IRC).
The NGO says that Burkina Faso It has 11 devices, And Sierra Leone 13, the Central African Republic 3, while owning Venezuela 84 beds in the intensive care unit for a population of 32 million, while we find that 90% of its hospitals face a shortage of medicines and vital supplies.
“We’ve already seen how the epidemic quickly crushed health systems in countries with relatively advanced health systems,” said Elinor Ricks, vice-chair of the committee. “.
It is indicated that Corona Virus Has killed nearly a thousand people in Africa Since it appeared in China in December, according to an AFP census based on official figures.
For his part, considered a senior official of the World Health Organization, Friday, that Africa is still able to contain the outbreak of Covid-19 disease caused by the emerging corona virus.
“I think African countries can do more than what people overseas can expect,” said Mike Ryan, WHO’s emergency health director.
“We do not believe that the disease has outpaced the ability to contain it,” he added.
Ryan’s comments came after the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa said he was likely to be killed The epidemic At least 300,000 Africans, and threatens to pay 29 million to the cycle of extreme poverty.